Sunday, November 23, 2008


To Stephanie Meyer,
Your books are amazing stories. Your characters seem real, as if you’re writing stories that actually happened. You can get into their stories and it seems that you’re standing there with them watching them live life. "The Host" is my favorite of your books. It addresses so many problems and moral issues that are occurring today, using a captivating cast of characters. You feel as if you can identify with the characters, they all have their quirks and oddities that make them real. Even the characters that seem bad have a reason for making life for Wanderer and the people she cares about hard. They’re not just faceless, flat bad guys. You manage even the smallest storylines so that they come in and out of Wanderer’s life briefly but as realistically as strangers and temporary acquaintances do in our own lives. Another thing that I enjoy about your books is that the writing has just enough descriptors to assist a mental picture of the character but not so much that you get bogged down in the descriptions and allows the stories to flow naturally. This style of writing has always been the style I prefer for writing and yours is an excellent example of this style. All of this makes for some of the most inspirational and amazing stories I read and I hope you will continue to publish books.

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

First of all add more and break it into paragraphs.

Your books (tell)amazing stories.

You use the word stories way too much.

You switch from first person to second person.

When you talk about the beautiful descriptions in her books, give examples. Quote her.

This letter needs more details, more specifics about her books, her story lines and her descriptions.